Exile on Annuity Street: Retirement Planning with the Rolling Stones

Rolling Stones

The Rolling Stones are no strangers to controversy. Since the band’s creation in 1962, the Stones have wrecked hotel rooms, dressed in drag, and consumed enough narcotics to incapacitate several elephant herds. The band’s 2019 No Filter tour is no exception. The headlines are less racy now that Mick Jagger and Keith Richards are well …

Are You Financially Independent?

financially independent

What does it mean to be financially independent? The definition of financial independence varies, depending on who you ask. To some, being financially independent means having more money than you could ever spend; for others, it’s liberation from debt and a paycheck-to-paycheck lifestyle. Then there’s the FIRE movement, as in Financial Independence, Retire Early, a …

What is Financial Elder Abuse?

old woman crying

Every year, America’s seniors lose $36 billion to financial elder abuse, a term that covers scams, frauds, theft by family members, and caregiver exploitation schemes which specifically target adults over the age of 50. The American Bar Association calls it the crime of the 21st century, an epidemic which the Executive Director of the National …

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