
Spending Plan Worksheet
Americans are more stressed about their money than ever before. Use this spending plan worksheet from financial professional Roger Cowen to take control of your finances.

Income, Assets, and Expenses Inventory
Where is your money coming from and where is it going? This worksheet will help you track your finances and identify areas for adjustment.

Medicare Checklist
Getting ready to enroll in Medicare? Make sure you’re prepared by working through this checklist.Â

Get Your Free Credit Report
Monitoring your credit activity is a vital part of maintaining your financial health. Request a free credit report to see where you stand.

Couples Financial Compatibility Quiz
Talking about money may not be the most romantic conversation couples have, however, studies show being on the same page financially can lead to a healthier relationship.

IRS RMD Worksheets
Questions on your RMD? Use one of these worksheets from the IRS to calculate your Required Minimum Distribution from your own IRAs, including SEP IRAs and SIMPLE IRAs .

Charitable Giving Resources
Check out the following websites that help you evaluate your charitable giving options. Find an organization that best aligns with your values

How to Teach Your Grandchildren Good Money Habits
As a grandparent, you want the best for your grandchildren. This doesn’t necessarily mean you want them to have the best clothes, the latest toys, or the coolest gadgets…

Credit Card Interest Rate Calculator
Calculate how long it will take to pay off your credit card balance by making only the minimum payment and how much interest you’ll pay with this helpful interest rate calculator.

Estate Planning Checklist
Do you know what you need to build an effective estate plan? This checklist will guide you.Â

Retirement Readiness Survey
Are you ready to retire? Take our Retirement Simplified survey and find out!

Compounding Interest Calculator
According to Albert Einstein, compounding interest is the eighth wonder of the world. Use this calculator to see how interest will impact your retirement savings.

Retirement Savings Calculator
How much should you have saved for retirement? This calculator will help you find out.Â

Full Retirement Age Calculator
Waiting until full retirement age to claim your social security benefit can grow your benefit. This calculator will help you determine when you should claim.Â

Calculate My Social Security Benefit
The Social Security Administration’s benefit calculator shows you how different claim dates will impact your Social Security benefits. Use this calculator to help plan your claim date and assess your projected retirement income.

Where’s My Refund?
Curious about the status of your tax refund? Luckily, the days of watching the mailbox are over. This portal allows you to check the status of your refund instantly online.

IRS Withholding Calculator
Are you withholding enough or too much? New tax laws mean new withholding guidelines. Use this withholding calculator from the IRS to make sure you aren’t making your tax liability higher–or allowing Uncle Sam to hold onto your money interest-free.

Report Identity Theft
The Federal Trade Commission offers free Identity Theft Recovery Plans for victims of tax fraud and identity theft. Reclaim your life and stop thieves in their tracks.

The Checklist of Life
A workbook to help you get your estate in order. Eliminate worry and create a practical financial plan for the future. Guidance to questions about funeral planning that can be difficult to discuss with family.

Social Security Maximization Report
Please take the time to fill out the maximization form and return it to us to learn the different ways Social Security can fit into your retirement. Please know that your information will not be shared and will remain confidential.